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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Scratching my head....

What kind of a person do "they " think I am? I'm confused. I just try to live my life without bothering anybody, yet still there are people out there who belive that it is their duty, nay, privilege to offer additions or corrections to my life in the blessed form of Junk e-mails. Puh-lease! Just to give an idea about the self help nature of these, shall we say, well meaning correspondence, I'll start with the one from: Toenail Fungus. The Subject: Eliminate Ugly Toe Fungus. Sure, who wouldn't want to be rid of that if that were the malady. I might even thank them. But there were three of those so far. But, then comes a message from: Lawn Seed. Subject: Like Grass Seed On Steroids. I guess that's good? It's also good to know that Bruce Springsteen has a new album out and Papa Johns now has a three Delicious Meats Pizza. Now there's an e-mail to sink your teeth into. Not to mention the million emails from people in foreign countries trying to give me millions of dollars from their lotteries. Official Prize Notification, Ha! I would just love a regular friendly like email, and none of those where "If you send this back to me" or "If you send this to a hundred people your dreams will come true in one hour"- but hey, life is good though isn't it?


Unknown said...

Hi Peg- got your blog from my Mom's site- I keep hoping she'll post again. I'm proud of you ladies of your generation for even trying!
I never realized you started the date process in the summer, by the way. Yikes. What a labor of love!

angiedunn said...

mmmm...papa johns. thanks for the dinner idea. i'll go put the frozen chicken back in the freezer. lol.