26 years ago today.... A wonderful thing happened in the Moffat Home. It was Jacob!
To be precise, Jacob Ammon Moffat. He weighed in at 10 lbs. 3 oz. and was the 4th of four boys, all busy, happy, smart and challenging. He had an appetite to match and was very cuddly and slept through the night his first time just past a week old! He was happy to be here, a very pleasant and easy to love baby. He had a ready smile and a fun personality. As the youngest, he was cute and engaging and everyone loved to play with Jacob, except the big neighborhood boys.Over the years we have quoted him(And now I’m goin to avite a poe-son up to twy it...oh gweat, you bwoke it!), watched him lead( MHS slowing down for the school on Harris St.), watched him perform, (the drunk in every play for two years) watched him play(golf and croquet and ping-pong) and followed him around. I don’t know where the green pancakes thing got started, but for years Jacob was served green pancakes on his birthday. Now his lovely assistant Emily performs the green pancake duties flawlessly.Here are Maddi and Daddy enjoying proxy pancakes in honor of Jacob’s Birthday. Happy 26th today Jacob. You rock harder than early Van Halen! You are a miracle, you can do anything!! Love MOM