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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stephen Carr - "Grateful" by John Bucchino

Grateful.......  by John Bucchino, sung by Stephen Carr  (please enjoy)

I've got a roof over my head
I've got a warm place to sleep
Some nights I lie awake counting gifts
Instead of counting sheep

I've got a heart that can hold love
I've got a mind that can think
There may be times when I lose the light
And let my spirits sink
But I can't stay depressed
When I remeber how I'm blessed

Grateful, grateful
Truly grateful I am
Grateful, grateful
Truly blessed
And duly grateful

In a city of strangers
I've got a family of friends
No matter what rocks and brambles fill the way
I know that they will stay until the end

I feel a hand holding my hand
It's not a hand you can see
But on the road to the promised land
This hand will shepherd me
Through delight and despair
Holding tight and always there

Grateful, grateful
Truly grateful I am
Grateful, grateful
Truly blessed
And duly grateful

It's not that I don't want a lot
Or hope for more, or dream of more
But giving thanks for what I've got
Makes me so much happier than keeping score

In a world that can bring pain
I will still take each chance
For I believe that whatever the terrain
Our feet can learn to dance
Whatever stone life may sling
We can moan or we can sing

Grateful, grateful
Truly grateful I am
Grateful, grateful
Truly blessed
And duly grateful 

Thanks for  the indulgence, friends...  I couldn't help it after such a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Thanks to all of those I.... married, gave birth to, married in, serve with, read to, quilt with, laugh with, sang with, shared ideas with..... for you , I am simply,  Grateful. Sigh

Friday, October 22, 2010

Uh yes, we are going.... don't be jealous - join us!

So a friend told me about this Tour. 
 I am so jazzed,......cause #1.  I am in love with this group since Rob introduced us to them last year. 
Now Holy Cow my playlists are full of purchases from these 10 wonderful voices 
who speak/ nay sing to my soul. Oh yea that is Barry Manilow and he does sing One Voice 
with them on the "With a Twist" Album. Dig It!  And #2.  They are coming the weekend of our Anniversary.  Not the actual day mind you, but close.
So...what am I to do but take this guy - 
AKA My Boyfriend( and by Boyfriend, I mean husband right?) for our Anniversary Weekend.  I might even dress up a little - you know a little White Linen behind each ear and some dingle ball earings.  Oh don't worry, I am also attending this at Mesa High School on the same weekend.
Scroll down for a Joseph Medley Preview that is very cool. 4:46 min but worth it!
... I have to support my friends and neighbors and young folks that I love on stage in a great musical. 
Hey I have an idea.... why don't you come too?  
Call me and we'll make it a double date, triple, date, o.k. go stag, but come. 
 It will be fun and we can celebrate the entire weekend of our anniversary.  
Won't Parker love it?  Sh... don't tell him yet, it's supposed to be a surprise.  
Not that we haven't talked about it.  It's more that he wont remember that we did and will be impressed that I purchased the tickets already(smugly shaking my head yes)and he doesn't have to.  Right now I'm listening to this and am getting giddy fingers in anticipation... uh goose bumps!
Ahh the joy of music/musical theater.  Feeds my soul.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The closet Ben Banks built

So lay down a beat now.......... and continue...
This is the Closet That Ben Banks Built  here after to be called CTBBB....
(finally finished and installed just today, and by today I mean last Thurs. when I started writing this
'lil thang, Yay!)
This is the hamper that stores all our nasties 

This is the bedroom attached to the closet that now has cool shutters 
 and a whole lot more room, sleeps two weary people in comfort, 
just on this side of the CTBBB.
This is the shower that cleans up our act here
 that has a great window and is closely attached to the CTBBB.
And........This is the one (yea, Jacob for sure) that caused all the ruckus,
that hired the "Craftys" then loaned me his cutie for my lovely assistant, 
who was a blessing un-measured and whom I love forever as I look at the CTBBB.
These are the cookies (like 64 dozen)

that all my friends made 
(that still haven't been thanked properly) that got eaten by stars
and raved about daily
(watch for the BB Cookie and Salad Book in progress) and won the hearts of the crew
and made it pleasant to finish the job that is called the CTBBB.
Here is the "room mate" who helped get things started, 
 (made it do-able more like) , Drove with me to Utah and was capable and pleasant and had such a presence that made everyone better, and 
This is the spouse that surprised me @ Birthday, 
supported and encouraged, got hooked on Doc Martin
 that was introduced to it by these two(Chris and Kent)
who were angels on earth to me,
  making August possible and home-y and giving the CTBBB  more sweetness.
This is the T-Shirt that was issued quite carefully
that is strangely consoling and worn with great pleasure that will hang in the CTBBB.
This is the smile that is silly or placid
( now you be the judge) and nowI'll be working on the slow and deliberate decorating phase of the "new" Bedroom/Bath/Closet.
Updates will follow and thanks for the indulgence!  (sigh)
 Not mentioned above, but equally important were the helpers from California,
you know, Rob and Megan.
  and the Big people
(Rich and Loretta)who brought little people(Jacie, Cameron and 'lil Parker  to visit....

and the ones who held down the fort(Mac and Cammy) and sent love notes(McKenna) from Mesa.
August, now that was a ride folks!

Monday, September 6, 2010

You Should Go.......I'm just saying

Sometime I will blog about what I have been up to for the last month.  It was a very big deal for me, but till I get there I want to tell you all that you should buy tickets and go to this...........

Fri. Sept 10th and Sat. Sept 11
I know a few of the great folks involved and I have heard just a few snippets of the music.  I think you will be blessed for the going and participating in a wonderful evening.  I am going both nights and of course this handsome guy is singing in the program.
Not bragging, just sharing.  You might be sorry to miss this one, so get 'er done folks.  There I said it!  
Heart, Peg

Friday, August 13, 2010


Made three of these for myself today!
So some of you know that it's my Birthday and, some of you also know that I am also up to my eyeball sockets in "crafts services" for several more days and didn't plan on seeing my "Boyfriend" for those same several more days. Well, Parker showed  up yesterday to surprise me for my B-Day and I was "got", as my Mom would say, like big time!  Adding photos later! So happy to see him. I have been on auto pilot for so many days and he was a great surprise. turns out he and Maddi et al had planned the whole thing.  Now he is making Homemade Ice Cream for me to serve at the big Birthday Bash that I'm throwing for myself at the Film Shoot.  Side Note: It's going well and I am amazed at what happens to make a movie.  Jacob rocks!
Who might this be?
Glenna just sent me this for you to look at for fun.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Do You Remember When?.......

Today (July 13th)is the 9th anniversary of Mom's passing.  We, (Glenna and I)have some of her things that we wanted to share with other family members because they brought back memories.  We think they might have meaning to you as well.  Comment here if you think you know the story about any of these articles of clothing.  All comments are welcome and we would love hear about your memories of Mom/Granny. Now have a "Dandy Day" and "Love and Best Wishes."  Can't you just see Mom/Granny waving goodbye from the carport?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tradition!!!!! (Sing it like Tevye, eh?)

It's tradition..... 
So the family, such as it is, with Meg and Chris off to the beach on a service mission(yes really), and G-Ma visiting the California faction, headed off to the annual Headstone Cleaning and Photo op. 

Here's Maddi teaching McKenna what the headstones were. Good lesson on "The Plan"

We were told in church yesterday to remember those who have gone before.  So here is me remembering those who have gone before.

 I still miss my sweet Mom and my fun Dad, and my wonderful Father In Law who has been gone 15 years.  Hard to believe.  Thanks for the memories.  We will try to live up to the legacy. 
Thanks Marti and Fred for the ebelskivers, etc..... should be the new tradition...Sing it! 
Next year, we'll add Meg's pan and I will get one k? 
Now let's go watch
 "Baby Boomerang" 
 - My cousin Mark's award winning documentary of his father(my Uncle - Charles Arnett)Check it out here!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fat Chance... The weight is over!

So, While I really wanted Daris to win, we got Michael, who looks amazing except for his incredibly tight pants and huge belt buckle, not to mention the 264 pounds he lost!  Unbelievable. Ashley, you really look good as well.  You all inspire me to stick with my program and get it done.  Thanks for the entertainment, Biggest Loser! You rock! We have no idea what we are going to do in the evenings now. Wait Go Suns!  Was that cool or what?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Big 2-5!

25 years 
ago today, I had one of the happiest days of my life.  
At nearly 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the doctor announced that I had given birth to a baby girl! 
Megan Marie Moffat 
to be exact!  - weighing in @ 6 lbs 8 oz.  
I told him that was a bad time to be kidding me.  
See, after four boys, I had all but given up on having a girl, I thought I was meant to be a mother of boys and I was good with that, sort of.  
Meg at her little Mermaid Birthday Party - that's Amelia on the right!
5th grade I think
What a delight it was to have a new experience, ruffles and bows, which I overdid and pink,  aaaahhhhh.  But, though it was fun to dress and play with our "little doll", the years have made a great friendship out of our mother/daughter relationship. 
BYU - You're A Good Man Charlie Brown - Megan played Sally
80's Spirit Courtesy of Merilee
Loving on Jacie
Meg and Maddi @ the beach
Megan has grown into a capable, talented, funny and lovable daughter, sister, friend, able to light up a room, with laughter or music or photos or antics with her nieces. She is good at teaching, acting, managing, cooking when needed, photography, crafts and anything computer.  
If only she had more time for all her interests.  
Is there any other color for a wedding?
She loves the color green, trips to the beach, Chex Party Mix(original recipe)reality television(aka,biggest loser, etc), Community, Diet Dr. Pepper(in moderation), Shopping,(oh yea can she shop), good music, trips to Gecko, pedicures, and especially her man - Chris. 
Wedding Day May 23rd 2009
Happy 25th Birthday 
Megan Marie Moffat Clifford. 
Love You, but you already know that! 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thirty-One-Derful Years!

So, on this day thirty one years ago,
James McLaren Moffat 
or Mac
as he is known to most people, was born. 
He is kind and good and knows no strangers. 
He is a dedicated husband and father,
 plus you would want him on your team whether it was a sports team (any sport)
or teaching team(you might not know that Mac is a great teacher).
 (Why 'd she put this in?)
He is a peacemaker in the family, but can break the peace with his drums sometimes and loves to
"jam" with friends
(even though "jamming" now, means playing a few riffs with Brother-In-Law, Chris). 
He has a fun sense of humor and can see possibilities for humor in lots of places. 
Just watch TV with him and you will see what I mean. 

He loves himself some bubbly occasionally,
(if by occasionally you mean, any time sparkling cider or Hanks' is offered).
Give him a 'lil ringy-dingy today and wish him 
  A huge  - (sing it out)......
"Happy Birthday to You"
Wonderful, Lovable,

Sunday, April 11, 2010

One More.....

News Flash!There's one more Deck Chair gone!
That makes a total of 7(count 'em)
Which means a grand total of 35.6 lbs so far.  Thanks for the encouragement and support!
I know, I know,  I need to get on with my life and blog about other things for a change, so here goes..
How about these two little Easter Eggs? Dang cute if you ask the Grandma.  I did make 
Orange Rolls 
for the neighborhood egg hunt, but there are none left to take pictures of.  Oh well. 
We all loved Conference.  
Our tradition is to  Enjoy the Morning Session of General Conference and a Brunch.  Sometimes it takes a Gourmet flavor and sometimes it's just good 'ole food.  You guess which genre it took this year: Menu Follows

Spiral Sliced Honey Ham
Egg Puff Casserole
Gruyere Potatoes
Oven Roasted Asparagus w/ Hollandaise Sauce
Fruit with Pina Colada Dip
Lemon Cake w/Cool WHHHip
Deviled Eggs
Assorted Candy

And just in case you think that I'm not quilting......
drum roll please

"Getting Around to It"
A collaboration project by some of the quilters of Harmony Park - 
The  quilting is finished and the binding in going on tomorrow and then you will be able to see the finished product @ Scrapbooks ETC.  Watch for the tutorial etc.