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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


A new little addition to the Snaps line up of cuteness.

In honor of Spring and Easter ahead and just plain old good form, I just posted this on 
Snaps! Cookies and Catering Facebook page: 
It's a Giveaway, kids!!
Cookies!  The new Lemon Snap! is getting yummy reviews!
 Get in on the fun - tell a friend too!
First the details, like, what you have to do, etc. then the prizes and perks.
For the giveaway to happen, we need to have 100 likes – 100! It’s not so many if all of you tell 100 of your closest personal friends.  It will happen in a – Snap!
Three chances to enter – each comment counts as an entry:
a.     Like Snaps! Right on Face book, it’s that easy! 
b.     Share this giveaway on your wall or page!
c.     Submit a “Snap!” *see below

Now the prizes – drum roll….. Two baskets will be awarded,  drawn randomly from the “likers” and the from those who comment.  (All on facebook - sorry if that's not your thing)You will be entered each time you comment.  Winners will be loved and honored on that page and will get to choose a basket from say…..   Thank You So Much, You’ve Been Egged, Oh Baby! – Blue or Pink, Congrats! Happy Birthday – WOW-MOM, Spring has Sprung, and more.  Think out of the box or basket and give some Snaps!
Oh and don’t forget to order your Easter snaps – for yourself or for your co-workers or boss, or family, or neighbors, you get the idea, right?

  • Snaps are smart-aleck comments on the outside of cookies sleeves.  Meant to entertain only.  Snaps would never be crude or lude, just clever and funny!
  • Eg: Large, round, soft, delicious cookie seeks tall handsome glass of cold milk for a long-term relationship! 
  • Eg: Take me to your liter! (of milk)
  • Eg: I got a fever and the only cure is more cookies!