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Friday, December 7, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things.....

Sometimes people ask why there is a Lamb in our Christmas Tree? I let those people think about it for a while and then they usually come up with it themselves. It's one of my favorite things.

This Needlepointed Nativity was created by our friends Chuck & Heidi Glauser from our Gilbert days. This has a great story because the pieces are hollow and the Baby Jesus was missing once when Jacob was pretty young. We found the piece inside of Mary. Where else would it be? When I tried to place the Baby Jesus in the manger Jacob wouldn't have it...."Jesus not borned yet". Not till Christmas. Ahhhh!

This great Nativity came from Ghana when our friend Nicole's parent were serving as the President of the Accra Mission there, It's made of Ofrum wood and the characters have such wonderful ....uh...character.

This Willow Tree Nativity took a few years to complete, a few pieces at a time. It came as gifts from our kids. I love the features and spirit of these shapes and it makes me happy every year as we set it up and enjoy it through the season.

I love this time of the year. I hope that all 'yall are having a beautiful season. Peace. No really. Peace.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Been Tagged - Woah!

Tagged by Nena - Sorry it took so long, Crazy busy right now, but in this tiny window here goes,

Seven things about Peg - by the owner:

I love any color as long as it’s red. All shades of red are acceptable except the one with a lot of orange in it. Clear red=best.

I love to sew, quilt, just mess with fabric things. It makes me happy to create with fabric. Oh Well.

I love to decode recipes. I think it’s fun to “get it right” if I can. If not then oh well. It was fun trying. I might have a success or two(Like: Joe's’ Real Barbecue Beans - Ask Chet). Actually I just love to make stuff up. It’s like, you know, fun.

I love music, no, I love Christmas Music(99.9 f.m. all season baby!), no wait, I love Show Tunes(Always look on the bright side”. Spamalot), no wait, I love James Taylor(right this minute listening to “That’s Why I’m Here, Greatest Hits Vol 2.), no wait, I love so many kinds of music, can I pin down one favorite? Not tonight. Well wait, musical theater. That’s right, I love it. I get a lump in my throat during the overture of any musical, but “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown”? Stop it! I ‘m a moosh. But one of my favs is the overture to The King and I. I can see that show all laid out ready to perform. Fabulous.

I love flowers, all types all colors, all fragrances, But favs are Red Roses, Pink roses and pink or red Geraniums. Ahh bliss!

I love my cute family. I have one of the nicest human beings as my husband. Besides other wonderful traits, he rubs my feet with lotion every time I ask. He doesn’t complain or whine and often he offers. I know you are all envious. I have very nice children. Each and every one has remarkable talents and intellect and energy and faith and when we are all together, it’s the height of joy for me. Imagine six siblings making each other laugh, making up games, singing together, remembering crazy things from the growing up years, and the love and support of each one by the others. It’s pretty cool, who wouldn’t love that?

I love the Lord. I am so grateful to know that I am loved by a Heavenly Father and a Savior. I need saving. I’m humbled to know that I am worth His sacrifice for me. I love the songs and stories about His Birth and his life. I love His teachings, I just wish I could do everything right.
So Nena, I hope it’s what I’m supposed to do. Thanks for the nudge girl. Heart, Peg

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Big 33!

Lots of people (say in Hollywood)think that being married for ten years is a great feat,...but a third of a Century???? Wow! Now we are talkin' legendary almost. Well today is the big day of anniversary for Peg and Parker. The big 33! Years married that is. Well in honor of the occasion, we took our annual trek to So. Cali. for sun and R & R.

Actually we didn't stay long enough for R& R. Maybe just R. But we did see family and friends that we love and sadly a burned out landscape. Still, we think we will go for another 33. We'll be old but will still have things to talk about, laugh about, pray about and be happy about. We still like each other, that's good. We still find new favs, like diet orange soda and diet cream soda mixed. Wow. That's good, and then there's always Chuck and Pushing Daisies our new T.V. friends that we love to share, not to mention Iron Chef. All in all life is pretty good. Thanks Parker for a great 33 years. It's great to know that you've still got it! Heart, Peg

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat!

The Trick was keeping it a secret. The Treat was having the sistahs together
and the brothah here for five whole minutes in honor of the occasion!
What occasion? "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown!" Duh - Our family has been joined at the hip with Mesa High School for a couple of months... but the outcome was great. We are grateful for the modern age of flight and cell phones that provided a great surprise for Madison and her opening night and also the special visitng dignitary from Las Vegas. Happy Halloween

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Each Life That Touches Ours For Good....

I was thinking about Conference and how Elder, President Eyring asked us to notice each day how God’s hand had touched our lives and find a way to record it and remember it for the benefit of our children. At least I think that’s what he said. Well, I noticed. Our friend, Tim Filichia left the earth tragically and unexpectedly and so many are mourning the loss and I have seen God’s hand at work as friends make contact and families draw near. I can’t help but think that a loving Heavenly Father would want something good to come from this tragic circumstance of the sweet Felichia family. Here is what I have observed... people started to call each other. At the Felichia house, people gathered and hugged and shared stories and people out of town called each other and planned memorials and shared glimpses and memories. Brothers and sisters shared sweet, though sad moments reminiscing. A place was started on Facebook to post photos etc. Memories are being revisited and smiles are coming to tear stained faces. It’s such a sad thing to think that Tim, so animated, complimentary, talented, supportive, fun loving, and friendly will be separated from those who love him best for a season, yet still people are coming together to shake hands, to hug, to celebrate a life well lived in his short stay here. I always felt that I was a favorite to Tim. Just about everyone I’ve talked to has said they felt same thing. It was his gift. I know of times where he helped others to be at ease by breaking the ice or engaging conversation. He could light up his surroundings with his contageous smile. Tim is missed greatly, still I know that I will see Tim again, and that he will have that twinkle in his eye. I look forward to that day. I know that God’s hand has touched our lives and allowed us to be enriched by a young man who lived without regrets. I want to be be like that when I “grow up”. Like Elder Eyring said, “Maybe there’s still time”.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Just keep on Trek'n

Heard of the term "a Chicken with it's head cut off?" How 'bout "My eyes are spinning independently in their sockets?" Try, "I Don't know come here from sick'm." Or maybe , "I don't know if I'm a-foot or horseback." All great sayings that describe the current state of affairs in our home. My mom would have said, "Peg, I think you are just covered up." I've come to the conclusion "I Need A Wife!" Well, that stirs up way too many scary thoughts....actually I just need a day to myself. No phone calls to make. No assignments to fulfill. I will have it soon(say in a month) but till then, with Charlie Brown Costumes, a Stake Aux. Training Meeting on the horizon, Pioneer Trek with costumes to make and assignments etc. I am thinking I should just run away..... To the Swap-meet!!! Don't think I won't either. Just wait and see. It could be just the the Dr. ordered.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sweet 17 and Never (officially) been kissed

So Last night at midnight Maddi and I were in the hallway whispering goodnight(because Parker was asleep not 6 ft away) to each other and laughing about some stuff from the day. I said It's your birthday Maddi. Happy Birthday! Then I was thinking, actually it will not be official till approx. Nine o'clock tonight. I shared that with her and she goes into this awkward sexy pose and says in her "get busy voice" to the great "Man Void" out there,"I'm still sixteen till nine o'clock..Kiss Me!" Very funny. Just shows how fun and happy she is and has always been. She is a blessing to all who know her.. Some of the things that describe but do not define are..Helper, Listener, Philosopher, Musician, Actor, Scholar, Friend, Dancer, Singer, Dreamer, Romantic, Realist, Reader, Sister, Daughter. I think she would choose friend as the favorite because it covers so many areas. She is blessed to have wonderful, good people to be her friends. She is a great friend to me, her siblings and other friends as well and For almost seventeen years now it's been my pleasure to be her mom.
Madison Anne Moffat - Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Scratching my head....

What kind of a person do "they " think I am? I'm confused. I just try to live my life without bothering anybody, yet still there are people out there who belive that it is their duty, nay, privilege to offer additions or corrections to my life in the blessed form of Junk e-mails. Puh-lease! Just to give an idea about the self help nature of these, shall we say, well meaning correspondence, I'll start with the one from: Toenail Fungus. The Subject: Eliminate Ugly Toe Fungus. Sure, who wouldn't want to be rid of that if that were the malady. I might even thank them. But there were three of those so far. But, then comes a message from: Lawn Seed. Subject: Like Grass Seed On Steroids. I guess that's good? It's also good to know that Bruce Springsteen has a new album out and Papa Johns now has a three Delicious Meats Pizza. Now there's an e-mail to sink your teeth into. Not to mention the million emails from people in foreign countries trying to give me millions of dollars from their lotteries. Official Prize Notification, Ha! I would just love a regular friendly like email, and none of those where "If you send this back to me" or "If you send this to a hundred people your dreams will come true in one hour"- but hey, life is good though isn't it?

Friday, August 24, 2007

What's so appealing about dates?

What’s so “a-peeling” about dates? Well first you have to know what kind of date I’m talking about. It’s not the “perfect date”... “April 15. It’s not too cold not too hot. All you need is a light jacket!” (Name the movie for a prize) Not that kind, and it’s also not the kind where you are a teenager getting off the phone all twitter-pated having been asked out by (change to higher voice pitch and sing it) “the OMG Cutest guy ever!”. No it’s the kind that grow in huge bunches on trees, tall ones and at about this time every year that they become something of a valuable commodity. You see, dates are one of the main ingredients for a traditional Christmas Time treat known as Date Candy, a caramel roll of goodness literally brimming with pecans. For many this candy is the pinnacle of Christmas Treats. Take a bite of Date Candy and Christmas is on the way, you get the idea. So you are scratching your head and asking in yer best Arkansas accent, “Hey Pa, it’s August idn’t it? Thot so.” But that’s the problem, when you want to make date candy in December, the date season is long since over. So being the forward thinking and planning types you know us to be, we have to gather and glean the dates now, @ or near Mom’s Birthday, for a Merry Christmas later. Kind of Law of the Harvesteque, if you will. Plus, the process of peeling the dates is messy and time consuming, kind of like milking mice to give you mind a visual. Still it gets done, and in December when the candy is ready you might just say that’s appealing to me.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

My Soundtrack

Meg and I were having a chat about know The soundtrack, or the soundtrack in our head or at least the one we are currently grooving too. Megan was discovering and posting several tunes that were working for her and I started wondering if I have a "soundtrack" Turns out I do! I have had a soundtrck all my life that motivates house cleaning occasionally, walking in the early morning brisk heat, or tames the savage worrywart brain when needed. I confess the faves begin with Broadway showtunes. From my earliest days I heard showtunes in my home from the piano in the living roon and Mom on the keys. Now they come in the form of ipod,cds, and computer finds. Lately I start with the tunes from Hairspray(Welcome to the 60's and Timeless to me), Dreamgirls(I love you I Do and One Night Only - The Dance Mix) , and Spamalot(Always Look on The Bright Side), then move toward the non-broadway old favorites like James Taylor, Eric Clapton, Harry Connick and that type including Michael Buble, Dianna Krall, Norah Jones and a few others. I usually end up with Mandy Patinkin and his Album - Kidults with the favorite. - "Rhode Island is famous for You". I love clever lyrics and sentiment so how could this song miss? So I do have a soundtrack, but it's on shuffle mode and it's hand selected daily.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Head and Shoulder Pads above you!

So... I read so many blogs where the writer is trying to solve the problems of the world. Well, I just want to solve my own problems in my own "special" way. Once someone said(I think it was Oprah to tell you the truth)that if you want to take ten pounds off your look, add a set of shoulder pads. So I did the math and wore two sets. Problem solved. But that was in the eighties and now the shoulder pad thing is way more than a habit. See, in my thinking, a well placed set of squared off shoulderpads might have the illusion of angle versus roundness. I bought in for sure. You may say who am I kidding?
Even though my "New MIllenium" type offspring chose to shame me into getting rid of the loved accessory, I hang on even after phrases like'"Mom the Eighties called, they want their shoulder pads back!" I confess that I had a shoulder pad crisis just week or so ago. Having returned from the Utah and Vegas Road Trip of '07 and pulling out the laundry where of course I had worn the over used and slightly shabby shoulder pads, I noticed just one in the mix. Just one. One does not a pair make. Uh Oh.... One shoulder pad is not the look you go for. Now imagine me going not just one day, but a Sunday no less and a couple(it's blurry how many) days without the all important addition. There are so many looks that just "need" the shoulder pads. So it all but eliminated half of my wardrobe. So I take my bad self down to the local Joanns Fabrics store, on another errand of course, and purchase a pair, brand new and all stiff and a little fake looking to be quite honest. But I know that they have to be broken in so here goes. Two days I use them, sort of depressed that they are not the "real" ones and then what do you know, the other "lost" shoulder pad just appeared on the stack of laundry. Hmmmm... sabatoge you might deduce or dare I say fate? All is right with the world again and now I can go for the two set option again if I choose and I can almost hear you saying, "Hey you look nice in that outfit...are those shoulder pads?"

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Just whistle while you work!

I love "working" around the house with Parker. Actually we work independently toward the same goal but usually our paths only cross in a "family" project when needed. One example is the day we painted the Family Room. On the Fourth of July, these two almost empty nesters decided to use the day wisely and having purchased the paint etc. we started in. My job was to remove the switchplates and outlet plates and clean the baseboards and tape all the lower edges. As Parker brought in the ladders and the tarps and the supplies the sound of his whistling made me smile. You see, this is what he does, he whistles while he works from the start of the project to the end. He is in his own little project focus world and the whistling starts. It was more than interesting that the first piece he chose was "Strangers in the Night". That was the "set up the project" song. As the day and the paint rolled on there were a few songs that pleased and surprized me. Here's a short list of some of the titles just for your enjoyment: "Here, There and Everywhere" - Beatles, "All That Jazz" - Chicago, "If I only had a brain" - The Wizard of Oz, "It Had To Be You" - Harry Connick Jr. and several hours worth of Parker's favorite hits. I'm sure there are several I can't remember, it's just such a pleasant part of "working with" Parker and you know that he is wearing out when the songs stop. It's fun because he doesn't claim to know the words or even the tunes, but the tunes are right on and I remember the words. So in a way it keeps us both going for him to whistle as he does. Kind of cool I think. Maybe we are a good team after all. And you should see the Family Room. Wow!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

I hope this photo works because it was intense to get it on here. I am a little techo challenged as you might know and it's great to know that after a 45 min technical difficulty delay on Meg's flight and then an unexpected landing in Denver because of a passenger Diabetic seizure that a person could actually get to see your daughter in Times Square to document that she is actually in New York City. Enjoy

Saturday, June 23, 2007

This is mom's first blogging attempt

Hi- I am slightly retarded at technology, in fact, this is not me... my daughter is teaching me how to blog. It is quite simple-- but I come from a different generation and don't know computers from Adam...Once I know what is going on around here, I will be just peaches. So- be patient with me as I get things together and then I can post all my news and pictures and whatever babble that I want you to know about as my children and spouses of and any friends who care enough to read blogs of mine. (Obviously you still do... in fact... as you are reading this you are proving that point- someone does care).